Build Better Relationships: 3 Foundational Mindset Shifts


  • Relationships matter. Being connected is important for our overall happiness and well-being.
  • There are foundational 3 mindset shifts that will help you build better relationships: (1) See relationships as gifts. (2) The relationship you have with yourself is also a gift. (3) Treat every interaction as an opportunity to improve your connection as building blocks.
  • We can cultivate our joy and in others by being intentional with our interactions.
  • Take the first action step to set a goal to build better relationships.
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Atomic Interactions on the Gratitude Blooming Podcast

In every atomic interaction, we have an OPPORTUNITY to intentionally UPLIFT others through our love, kindness, and gratitude to help make their day a brighter one.

This is a message that I share often. Why? I believe it to the core of my being and aim to live like the change I wish to see in the world.

I am passionate about making connections…the kind of connections that make imprints on hearts and a lasting impact in lives.

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The Gift of Love: A Piece of Our Heart


  • We give our students many things but the greatest gifts we can give are our love and our heart.
  • Give students a piece of our heart by giving them a visual reminder as a gift.
  • Put your heart into what you do and share your love with students. There can be a lasting impact.
  • Speak life through the words you choose to say. Uplift others with your words of kindness, gratitude, and empathy. Words matter so choose them mindfully and with intention.
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