The Gift of Your Words: Share Your Story


  • You have a gift of words to share by telling your stories. 
  • There are five reasons why writing is a passion: dive into deeper thought to better understand yourself, practice self-care, sharing is caring, create new connections or deepen existing relationships, and make an impact by amplifying your voice.
  • See the Writing Strategies & Marketing Your Work course overview below.

Take a moment. List all of the roles in your life. We all have experiences and expertise from our multitude of roles as a teacher, leader, coach, parent, spouse, sibling, child, colleague, teammate, friend, and many more. You have a story. Actually, you have many stories. That means you have a gift to share. It’s your gift of words through your stories.

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Student Empowered Conferences


  • Students feel empowered as they share their goals, learning, and growth in all different areas of the curriculum.
  • You can include voice and choice in student-led conferences.
  • Being intentional about what you do before, during, and after conferences leads to finding success in the goals for the conferences.
  • A link to resources can be found below for a notice home, welcome note, agenda, reflection sheet, tagging sheets, and “two stars and a wish.”
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The Gift of Contribution


  • There are so many ways we can contribute to the communities we find ourselves in.
  • We will dive into these questions: How do you add value by your presence? And how do you add value through your words and actions? How much value do you add and how can you add more? How often do we show we value others’ contributions? 
  • Why is this a gift? We can make all spaces better than when we first entered. Our contribution is the gift we give to our communities. We can make people feel more valued, seen, and heard by the way we positively contribute in order to make a long-lasting impact on learners to continually grow to be contributors to any shared space.
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