Why do I love to teach?
It’s so timely and so needed that we share stories about our WHY for ourselves and for the world. During a time of uncertainty with potential ups and downs, it’s important to know our why so it can bring us back to what makes our hearts sing especially on tough days. So here it is! My WHY…
I love building relationships with people. I love listening to people. And I love teaching, coaching, and mentoring people. I didn’t always know I wanted to be a teacher. Listening to others encourage and tell me I would make a great teacher led me to consider the profession. Actually, many of my childhood friends became teachers so perhaps that influenced me but I didn’t want to just follow their footsteps. I needed to explore whether this was for me.
At the time, I was working full-time so I made arrangements with my boss to work three days a week so I could volunteer. I moved around to work with four different teachers over two full days for 10 months before starting my teaching program. Each day I returned, my passion for being around kids grew and grew. I thoroughly loved it! How many people actually look forward to the end of the weekend? That was ME because Monday morning meant I got to spend time with kids again!
I knew it in my mind. I felt it in my heart. And I appreciated it in my soul that I chose to be a teacher and the profession chose me too. What I experienced was a TRUE calling!
Twenty-one years later, I had the privilege to not only be a classroom teacher but also serve on our District Staff Development Team in Learning Technologies. I returned to the classroom three years ago and can honestly say that even after 21 years, the same feelings I had when I first started volunteering ring true. The more I teach, the more I absolutely LOVE it! The more I get to build relationships with students and their families, the more it energizes me and fills my soul! And the more I learn how to be a better teacher every single day, the more I am driven and inspired to learn even more which empowers me to be the best teacher for my students!! I am absolutely fueled by the learning, the meaningful relationships I have with my PLN (especially everyone affiliated with the Teach Better Team), and the personal and professional growth over time. I appreciate everyone who has touched my heart and inspired me to be better.
Every single day, I am grateful to be an educator. To be so blessed and to feel so passionate about something is truly amazing! I am so in love with being a teacher. I feel like I am in my ELEMENT when I can build relationships as I teach, coach, and mentor others. I thoroughly enjoy our interactions. My job is more than a job. It is a part of who I am! So what’s my why? Quite simply, to be the best that I can be to serve those in my community, to make it a positive and memorable experience through every interaction where their hearts are touched as much as mine. Each day, I want to make an impact and an imprint on people’s hearts while I enjoy all of the relationships along the way. I want to believe in others until they believe in themselves!
What a true gift given to us to have the ultimate pleasure to teach, impact and influence a child’s life trajectory through our deep love, care, and kindness. You just can’t buy that kind of gift anywhere! I want to make a difference. I want to be THAT teacher!
What’s your WHY? I’d love to hear it! Please share in the comments. Thank you!