5 Tips for Cultivating Atomic Love & Joy



  • We can experience and cultivate atomic love and joy throughout our day and every day using the 5 tips suggested.
  • Invest in getting to know yourself better. This helps when dealing with adversity.
  • Know what brings you joy and cultivate it! Joy boomerangs!
  • Share love and appreciation. Don’t be afraid to say, “I love you”. Love boomerangs!
  • Teach Better together. Lean on each other for love, encouragement, support, and to bring each other joy.
  • Be relentless and resilient with reflection to build better relationships.
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Share Your Story

Three years ago, I would not have had the confidence to share my story and my writing in the way that I do now. What’s changed? It started with a bit of courage fueled by the belief that others had in me and slowly, the belief I began to have in myself.

My passion for learning from others has made me a better person and effective educator. Over time, I began to understand that I am the teacher and person I am today because other people generously shared their ideas, for which I am so grateful. Their thoughts and reflections inspired me to feel affirmed, to question, and produce new ideas.

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The Gift of Cultivating Joy


  • We CAN cultivate more joy in our lives.
  • A CORE belief is that relationships are gifts to value and treasure.
  • Uplifting others brings joy to ourselves and others. Learn how to notice, name, and nuture AND how words are gifts.
  • Your joy can grow and thrive from others too. Learn how to throw your joy boomerang out and how to receive it when it comes back!
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