The Gift of Love: A Piece of Our Heart


  • We give our students many things but the greatest gifts we can give are our love and our heart.
  • Give students a piece of our heart by giving them a visual reminder as a gift.
  • Put your heart into what you do and share your love with students. There can be a lasting impact.
  • Speak life through the words you choose to say. Uplift others with your words of kindness, gratitude, and empathy. Words matter so choose them mindfully and with intention.
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The Gift of Your Words: Share Your Story


  • You have a gift of words to share by telling your stories. 
  • There are five reasons why writing is a passion: dive into deeper thought to better understand yourself, practice self-care, sharing is caring, create new connections or deepen existing relationships, and make an impact by amplifying your voice.
  • See the Writing Strategies & Marketing Your Work course overview below.

Take a moment. List all of the roles in your life. We all have experiences and expertise from our multitude of roles as a teacher, leader, coach, parent, spouse, sibling, child, colleague, teammate, friend, and many more. You have a story. Actually, you have many stories. That means you have a gift to share. It’s your gift of words through your stories.

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