The Gift of Contribution


  • There are so many ways we can contribute to the communities we find ourselves in.
  • We will dive into these questions: How do you add value by your presence? And how do you add value through your words and actions? How much value do you add and how can you add more? How often do we show we value others’ contributions? 
  • Why is this a gift? We can make all spaces better than when we first entered. Our contribution is the gift we give to our communities. We can make people feel more valued, seen, and heard by the way we positively contribute in order to make a long-lasting impact on learners to continually grow to be contributors to any shared space.
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The Art of Relationships


  • There are many ways to establish and maintain relationships. These tips were previously shared on a Daily Drop In on August 17, 2021.
  • Tips: (1) See relationships as GIFTS. (2) GREET warmly and by name daily. (3) Show GRATITUDE. (4) Be GENUINE. Be you. (5) GO beyond by doing small things for others like offering help. (6) Make an INVESTMENT of time and effort into relationships. (7) Have a genuine INTEREST to learn more about others. (8) Be INTENTIONAL with every interaction to uplift others.
  • Challenge: When someone is placed in your heart or mind, reach out to tell them you’re thinking of them. Uplift them.
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Continuing Community

After sharing about the word “welcome” in my first post, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss how we continue to make our students and parents feel welcome at a time when we cannot see them face to face like we used to. How do we continue to build community with purpose and intention?

Community of Learners

We are using OneNote in Office 365 as our platform for receiving and recording daily tasks but regardless of the platform you are using, there are ways to adapt these ideas. Here are some things I started doing with my students since remote learning began (some ideas evolved over time):

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