Three years ago, I would not have had the confidence to share my story and my writing in the way that I do now. What’s changed? It started with a bit of courage fueled by the belief that others had in me and slowly, the belief I began to have in myself.
My passion for learning from others has made me a better person and effective educator. Over time, I began to understand that I am the teacher and person I am today because other people generously shared their ideas, for which I am so grateful. Their thoughts and reflections inspired me to feel affirmed, to question, and produce new ideas.
Everyone has many stories to tell. What to share or not to share is up to us. May I encourage you to consider sharing a part of your story? What you have to say may help others make a small change that may lead to an impactful difference to them and/or their students. What may seem like a little idea or something you have done for decades may end up being a life altering aha moment for someone else. Maybe it’s something someone needs to hear just at the right moment and it’s the way you said it that makes an imprint on their heart.
No matter the size of the impact, when your goal is to help and support others, your story is worth sharing. We are here to collectively help each other be better together and stronger together as fellow humans and teachers.
As my motto for over 12 years says,
Working together to better ourselves, each other, and the world around us.
SFU’s Share Your Story
I had the greatest pleasure and honour to share my story with SFU’s Communications Associate, Allen Quinn, from the Faculty of Education. I hope it brings you joy to read it as much as it brought me joy to write it.
Even though we have been teaching in a pandemic for almost the past three years, I have enjoyed the best years of teaching because I’ve learned how to cultivate joy every day through the relationships I am blessed to have. I hope what I share helps inspire you to have a little extra joy in your every day.
CLICK HERE to read the article. I would appreciate and love for you to leave a comment to share what resonated with you most. Grateful for your time!