Most recent presentations
Every Moment Matters: Relationships that Create Community Among Diverse Learners @ Learning & Justice Institute hosted by Nevada Association of School Administrators – May 10, 2023
Livia shared her top 20 ways to foster connectedness and belonging in the classroom.
Non-Negotiables in a K-5 Classroom: How to Have Joyful Learners Who Thrive & LOVE School @ Burnaby District’s Pro-D Day – February 24, 2022
What are ways you make school a place where children LOVE to be? Livia will share tried, tested, and true must dos that make school feel like an experience every day. She aims to bring them joy, get them excited to learn and grow, and make them feel loved, seen, heard, valued, and appreciated. Lessons, activities, and tasks
-meet the needs of all learners
-are fun, engaging, meaningful, and interactive
-allow for choice, voice, and creativity
-include student accountability and self-reflection
-foster connections, culture, and community
Join us for this interactive session where you will experience what it’s like to spend time in our class. It will include ideas you can use in different curricular areas like ELA, Math, and Science. You will be given opportunities to share your effective non-negotiables so we can learn from each other too! Get ready to walk away with a multitude of tangible takeaways and ideas you can start using the very next day! You will see an immediate change in student engagement and motivation!
I would be thrilled to present at your next event! Please email me at and let’s connect! Here are presentation topics:
- Every Moment Matters: Relationships that Create Community Among Diverse Learners
- All Means ALL: How Each Atomic Interaction Impacts Relationships (See below)
- Build Better Relationships (Based on an online self-paced course as the author)
- The Gift of Gratitude (How gratitude can change classroom culture as shared in Evolving with Gratitude & Edutopia article: Teaching and Modeling Gratitude in Elementary School)
- Maximizing Opportunities to Inspire Learning for All Learners (Beliefs and ideas on meeting the needs of all diverse learners)
- The Gift of Relationships with Ourselves and Others: Making Impactful Atomic Interactions (Practical strategies for self-care and well-being as shared in Recalibrating Your Health & Wellness, an online self-paced course developed by George Couros)
- Stop Boring Students (Strategies for increasing student engagement and motivation to learn; based on ideas shared from my chapter in 100 No-Nonsense Things that All Teachers Should Stop Doing compiled by Dr. Rick Jetter)
- Teaching and Learning with H.E.A.R.T. (Ideas shared from my chapter in Because of a Teacher written and compiled by George Couros)
- Writing Strategies & Marketing Your Work (Based on an online self-paced course as the author)
Learning and Justice for All Conference – December 9, 2022
I presented a LIVE Zoom session hosted by the Nevada Association of School Administrators (NASA).

All Means ALL: How Each Atomic Interaction Impacts Relationships
Want to make an impactful and transformative improvement on learning for ALL? It begins with building better relationships by nurturing connections with intention. When we break it down to the smallest units of relationships, we find ourselves at the atomic level. It is from here we build a safe, secure, and supported environment for students to take risks with their learning. The power of your love and impact is limitless and it’s your legacy that lives in them forever.
In this session, you will learn how our atomic interactions can not only make an impact on lives but an imprint on hearts. With three key foundational mindset shifts, you will discover how deepening meaningful relationships leads to improved well-being and greater joy in life so you can be the most effective educational leader who meets the needs of ALL learners. You will walk away with tangible ideas to use immediately in all of your personal and professional relationships in the communities where you belong. Join us on a journey to discover the gifts all around us in our relationships.
Teach Better Conference – October 14 & 15, 2022 in Akron, Ohio
So excited to have presented at my first IN person conference! Teach Better Team website.

Atomic Interactions: Impactful Relationships Help You Feel Joyfully Alive
How often have you had to overcome adversity and struggled to find joy in life? In this session, you will discover two NEW mindset shifts that will open your eyes to see and feel more gratitude and joy in many aspects of your work and home life. What’s the secret? No secret! It’s all in the relationship we have with ourselves and the ones we build with others. When we invest in our communities through every single “atomic interaction”, the feeling of belonging can truly be SO powerful.
Come ready to discover new mindfulness & heartfulness practices that will be sure to bring more joy to your everything immediately! Not only will you gain a desire to choose a new lens on life with simple action steps, you will walk away with physical items that will serve as key visual reminders to help you better cope with work and home challenges AND feel more joyfully alive in your life journey. Transformative SEL 101 for you first and then use these tangible ideas with students when you return home right after the conference!
Learning and Justice for All Conference – December 10, 2021
I presented a LIVE Zoom session hosted by the Nevada Association of School Administrators (NASA).

Learning Abilities Summit – December 3, 2021
Unleashing/Focusing on the Strengths of the Neuro-Diverse
I presented a LIVE Zoom session hosted by First Education.

Breakout Title: Maximizing Opportunities to Inspire Learning for All Learners
Description: Opportunities are infinite, available all the time, and exist in every interaction we have with students. Every opportunity is a gift, and diverse learners need educators to relentlessly maximize every minute available to ensure academic, social, and emotional growth. This presentation will share insights from the Teach Better Team and ways teacher leaders in the United States and abroad are ensuring all students benefit from powerful instruction.