August 6, 2022
I had the greatest honor to share on Melissa Aveling’s Celebrating Creativity session along with four other great educators: Betzabé Orenos, Alex Isaacs, Ritika Tyagi, and David Peña. We each shared different ways that we celebrate creativity. Watch the full recording here! I start speaking at 42:15. Read the follow-up blog post here!

#Same Here Schools Month
Belouga – May 3, 2022
I feel blessed and look forward to going to work every day! Teaching children is my passion and our time together brings me so much joy. I had the privilege to share a part of my story. I truly believe we can cultivate our own love, gratitude & joy and this mindset & practice helps us with our overall well-being.
What a great honour and pleasure to speak with Laurie Guyon and Robert Dunlop in our session called Happiness Reflections. My heart was full of gratitude as we shared stories that warmed hearts and filled them with joy. Check it out here! This is one of many sessions hosted by Belouga‘s #SameHere Schools Month, a mental health awareness initiative to support educators around the world.
Pushing Boundaries – January 22, 2022
What an honour it was to take part in the very first PD Pit Stop with Pushing Boundaries. I had the pleasure to speak with my amazing friend Jillian DuBois about my Chapter 11: Stop Boring Students at All Costs in the book 100 No-Nonsense Things that ALL Teachers Should Stop Doing compiled by Dr. Rick Jetter. Click here to watch the video of the conversation I had with Jillian.
Teach Better Team – December 28, 2021
What an honour and a privilege to be on live with Chad Ostrowski, the creator of the Grid Method! I get to learn how to build a reading grid with the grid master himself! Here’s a blog post written by Chad called Reading Mastery Grid Tips & Tricks to support your learning in building grids, if you’d like to learn more.

Writing Strategies & Marketing Your Work
Teach Better Team – November 18, 2021
What a great pleasure it was to get to speak with Dave Schmittou about the course that Kari Pitstick and I co-created called Writing Strategies & Marketing Your Work. It is available in the Teach Better Academy. The course starts with helping you understand yourself better as a writer. Then we dive into tons of tips & strategies on things to consider BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER you write. These ideas are tried, tested, and true. I’ve used these ideas for years with my students to help them improve their writing & better understand the thinking process during writing. Tried, tested, and true!
Thrive in EDU – December 22, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed being on live with Rachelle Dene Poth and Melody McAllister. What a great opportunity to share about my role on the Teach Better Team (4:45), the importance of sharing our stories, contributing to Because of a Teacher written and curated by George Couros, and a summary of my story in contributing to Things I Wish […] Knew by Rachelle Dene Poth (35:18).

Because of a Teacher
Teachers on Fire – October 2, 2021
What a joy it was to be on live with George Couros, Dwight Carter, and Tim Cavey, the host of Teachers on Fire, as we talk about our book Because of a Teacher, written and curated by George Couros. I was so honoured and humbled to write a chapter called Teaching and Learning with HEART. It’s about the advice I would give to my first year as a teacher. Click here to watch.
Teachers on Fire – September 11, 2021
I had the pleasure of being in a book study for What Great Principals Do Differently by Todd Whitaker. This live event was to reflect on our learning and share our biggest takeaways. Click here to watch.
Teach Better Team‘s Daily Drop-In – August 17, 2021
I always love any opportunity to talk with Rae Hughart but when we get to talk all about building relationships, I’m in bliss! Click here to watch. I wrote a follow-up blog post called The Art of Relationships.
Teachers on Fire – January 3, 2021
I had the great privilege to be on live with eight other amazing educators to share our #OneWord2021. Click here to watch. Click here to read about my #OneWord for 2020 and 2021.
Teach Better Team‘s Daily Drop In – December 11, 2020
What an honour to be on live with Dave Schmittou as we discuss self-care, kindness, connections, Canadians, and of course, ringette! Click here to watch.
A conversation with Dave Schmittou – August 6, 2020
Elijah Carbajal and I had a great conversation with Dave Schmittou about grading, assessment, and reporting. His book is called Making Assessment Work. Click here to watch.
Teach Better Team‘s Back to School conversations – August 5, 2020
We talk about preparing for coming back to school. Click here to watch.
Teach Better Team Ambassador – June 10, 2020
So excited to be named as one of the first Ambassadors in the Teach Better Team’s Ambassador program! Click here to learn more and watch the live announcement here.